Getting Captain Morgans’ spice on.
Less and less people were drinking rum and coke. But rum has the widest, most appealing flavour profile (vanilla). It goes with almost anything and almost always makes it taste better.
“Spice on” was about landing the product’s versatility, but also the attitude of the brand and more modern consumer. The idea of “You do you”.
Which meant when it came to promoting and alcohol free Captain, “Spice on” meant we didn’t judge people for not drinking. In fact, we judged those who were judging.
So we resurrected one-time internet meme king Nick Fraser to recreate his famous song, all about those people who kill the vibe when they ask “why aren’t you drinking?”.
Knowing our audience were interacting on social more than ever, felt more alone than ever, we asked them to liberate the one thing that kept them glued to the doom scroll, their thumbs.
Brought to life by the weird and wonderful Keith Schofield, we reworked a Sisqo banger, the “Thumb Song”, and gave it the appendage-inspired music video it deserved.